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Review Some of Our Prior Blogs our Members Received
Here’s to the crazy ones…let’s talk innovation.
What Does Innovation Look Like? Let me start by telling you what it doesn’t look like. It doesn’t look like you. It’s not what you’re doing now and it’s not about what you want for your business. It’s all about your customer and his/her needs and expectations of what...
How to run a resilient business.
Resilience is the ability to recover quickly from difficulties. Think of an elastic band that can be stretched to its limits and then quickly spring back into shape when it’s released of its pressures. When it comes to business, there are two parts to resilience;...
You can’t fatten the pig on market day – Refixing/Restructuring.
Three reasons why refixing or restructuring your debt is worth the paperwork. 1. De-risk your business The lower your business risk, the better chance your business has of both survival and growth. Debt is cheaper now than it has been in quite some time, so...
What do business owners and dragon slayers have in common?
Have you thought about your goal for 2020 and your future dream sale price? It’s a worthwhile exercise to do and can even be quite confronting. Most of us pour our heart and soul (and money) into establishing and growing our businesses, so the thought of getting it...
The Bach, The Boat And The BMW.
The ‘three Bs’ is a stereotypical view of why kiwis go into business and what we intend to get out of it. But is it a fair representation of what we small kiwi entrepreneurs aspire to? And when is the best time to sell your business? In a review published by NZ’s...
I’ve got skills, they’re multiplying….because of outsourcing!
It’s not news that New Zealand businesses are battling with the reality of a skills shortage. Our country’s labour supply has struggled to meet the demand for years, and last month the NZ Government acknowledged the severity of the issue by announcing an employment...