Access to our latest & most up to date blogs is available to our Grow NZ Business Members.
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Review Some of Our Prior Blogs our Members Received
Where will your customers’ shoes take you?
“If it feels hard right now, it’s because it is.” This is perhaps the most accurate quote of 2020. If we go back in time to just 12 months ago, if anyone had of told you New Zealand would close its borders, GDP in the United States would drop by more than 30% and...
You can’t sell a secret
Recently, we shared with you some of the top areas of focus you asked to see from us over the next 6 - 12 months and the loudest shout was for marketing support. This is a great sign as it indicates a solid understanding of the important GROWisdom we come at you with...
The good, the bad and the ugly: Your survey results are in!
A big thank you to everyone who responded to our survey over the past two weeks. You have offered us some very valuable feedback that will ensure we can serve your needs for the balance of 2020 and beyond. Your answers revealed some interesting insights across a...
We’re all ears
Thanks to those of you who have already responded to our survey, launched last week, seeking to understand how Grow NZ Business can best support kiwi SMEs post lockdown. If you haven’t completed it yet, there’s still time and we’d really appreciate your response. 2020...
A shout for you + a shout back to us!
We’ve got some really good news for you this week. You will likely have heard the Government’s decision to pump an additional $40 million dollars into the Regional Business Partner Network’s COVID-19 Business Advisory Fund. This fund seeks to support any kiwi SME...
NZ needs you to chill…
Anyone else already completely forgotten what it felt like to not have an appointment to get to, traffic to battle or school lunches to pack? Lockdown ended 11 weeks ago, but if you’re anything like me, it feels like a lifetime has passed since we were forced to avoid...